Tag: inside the web

what is cool (or lame) inside the web

‘facebook like’ button & free wordpress, the drama

Up til today, I am mostly happy with my Wordpress feature. I mean, yes wp is definitely not as customizable as their fella blogger, but I never like too much accessories anyway so wp fit me best. Talking bout basic feature…at least wp give as much access to sharing button and to my favorite: Facebook Like button.

Prior to wp update, adding a Facebook Like button into post is as easy as a clap, all you have to do is choose between icons in [sharing] menu and just drag the chosen icon into tray. Of course, you’ll need extra work if then you would like to add Facebook Share button as well. But still, it is easy. With that few step wp will automatically add a button on my posts and I will be able to few who likes or share my post too. Some of my previous posts has had few numbers on them and I really grateful. Sometimes by looking at the numbers on Facebook Like button give me another reason as well as passion to write more.

And now………it’s gone.

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loncat loncat: the clues

Beberapa hari lalu dengan sukses ketularan @chioo main game loncat loncat bikinannya benakribo. Ini sih gamenya mirip parampa atau matibeku, tipe-tipe riddle online. Tugas kita mencari clue-clue dan memecahkan teka-teki atau riddle-nya benakribo itu. Gampang-gampang susah..sebel-sebel gemes…tapi nagih. Yaaa gitu deh, akhirnya lumayan ngabisin waktu dan kuota im2 yang seiiprit ini, tapi puassss banget pas berhasil sampe check point satu di riddle level #22 🙂

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