Category: Writings

Rena writes stuff

Venus to Mars

I’m currently writing several books on my spare-time. Two compilation books about love, consist of short-rhymes and whatnot. One fiction book, another one semi-fiction, and some children story-books waiting to be illustrated. So many things to do! I am excited yet afraid I will not make it in time. Anyway, this one is a short writing I illustrated from my “Letters to Mars” compilation. A book of compiled letters to…

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Young Love

Sometimes we see things as birds see things. No matter how high and how far, we can always see the target, clear as day. The muse. There stood by the corner, surrounded by irrelevant so-called friends, the love of our life smile and make our world shines so bright. But as the sun, something so brightening is almost impossible to reach. So we fall into longing spree. Where our affection…

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The Girl Who Lives on The Other Side of The Earth

There was once a girl who lives on the other side of the earth She bore no shadow, for the sun refuse to walk her aisle Yet she bore no sorrow, for she knows not of better way One day, she saw a path…of where her kin pay visit sometimes One time, fear was upon her. Other time, curiosity won When she set her journey through the path She knows…

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Sunday writing & illustration: A Moment In A Space

Sunday writing & illustration: A Moment In A Space

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Affairs of the Cliche

The street hasn’t even start turning dark. Her heart is beating fast, in a place where she thought would be her past. And the most thrilling has yet to come, with a face she knows best.. It’s just a story she said One episode from a monologue Story that will soon be forgotten Just an affair of the cliché The bench grown sullen, dark shades upon its wood. He’s not…

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Shattered Dreams

Dreams… You rise up in coffee scent today Birds floating outside the window You look up and brew fantasy Picturing thousand melodies You almost feel it’s okay Leaving a life drown in butterflies Chill under your spine The feel of losing and pain Dreams… The smile, carved along your shattered heart Used to be so clear The melody of rain Used to make you dance You memorize the kiss The…

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Remi the Dream Rabbit

I actually write this few years back to get anipchan to sleep. He likes it so much then, ask me to read it every night. Now he’s grown, but Remi can still be around! So I draw him a little. Although my drawing isn’t that good, I hope Remi’s friendly & playful character gets to show well 🙂

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Love of the universe

Sssh…be quiet when the dark fall Keep silent and hear the angels sing Sweet loving tender Like love of the universe Birds all tweeting melodies Children are singing lullabies On a night like this We fell in love Holding hands together Dancing in silence Catching up the stars Hoping for the light to fall Whisper in the dark That this is joy Yeah..this is joy You and I, we belong…

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Diam bukan berarti benci

RLWC (15/10/2011) tema: membuat fiksi dari tokoh nyata Kulitnya gelap, langkahnya tegap seolah menyokong tinggi badannya yang mendekati 180-an sentimeter. Dengan usia nyaris menginjak 30, dia tampak 10 tahun lebih muda. Hari-hari baginya berlalu dalam lautan sketsa. Siapa pun yang menarik matanya pastilah ia salin dalam sketsa. Jangankan satu, lusinan sketsa Yuki Isoya sang wanita idola dari Do As Infinity sudah marak menghias kamar kost yang hanya sepetak itu. Tuan…

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Aku Takut…

RLWC (24/10/12) tema: mengolah setting dari teman (bagasi corona ’70 dengan aroma makanan sisa) BRAG! Getarannya sampai terasa dalam perutku. Pintu itu di tutup lagi. Lagi-lagi tinggal bau pizza keju sisa kemarin temanku hari ini. Bahkan lelaki itu menolak untuk sekadar memaki padaku. Tidak seperti biasanya. Sedari pagi ia sibuk mondar-mandir di kota. Tidak tahu bicara dengan siapa saja. Tidak tahu apa lagi yang akan dilakukannya. Tidak mau tahu. Aku…

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Musuh yang Paling Dibenci

RLWC (08 /09/12) tema: musuh yang paling dibenci Arwen membalik lembar buku di depannya. Satu demi satu halaman membalur cuka di atas luka yang masih menganga. Foto-foto di situ sudah berusia lebih sebelas tahun tapi kenangan tentang Lody masih jelas di mata Arwen. “Kamu cantik deh, beli dimana itu baju?” bisik Lody suatu petang. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan semacam itu bagai gerimis di musim hujan, selalu mengarah pada percakapan panjang tanpa akhir. Arwen…

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Mengejar Merk di Balik Gaun

RLWC (01/09/12) tema: merk Roman membalik coretan peta yang digores Fial sepupunya. Di hadapnya berjejer warna-warna pelangi bertumpukan pola monokrom, tersusun indah. Menyusuri Shibuya seakan berjalan di dunia Alice in Wonderland. Asing…namun penuh aura magis yang membuatnya tak bisa berpaling. Sudah lama sekali ia ingin kesini. Selain Harajuku, Shibuya bisa jadi surga baginya. Semenjak ia kenal Mari Hiki, ia bagai tersihir aura fanatasi Shibuya. Kini ia ada disana. Sepucuk surat…

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