I rarely do a photoshoots, but when i do, i wanna do it in a good photo studio. Years ago my hubby met a great photographer while he’s making his bodypainting project. His name is Caesar Marco. He hasn’t built his own studio at the time but his work is definitely worth called an artpiece. Well, his work for my hubby is indeed his first artpiece i lay a hand on, but i eventually fall to it. It was a closed studio photoshoot with the model -who i adored so much- being painted facing the wall standing in a ballony room. So colorful and a bit playful…yet astonishing. Both the idea and the picture tells you more…even bring a greater image to my hubby’s painting
It was soon enough later that he opens his own studio. Wasabi Studio located in Bandung’s crowded area, surrounded by the famous Saparua sports arena, Factory Outlet galore and Postal history. With a hand-painted yellowdino character facing down the street, a cozy atmosphere with red and black colorside, a full make-up hideout, Wasabi Studio ready to hand a complete photo sessions along with their stylish make-up artist (MAKARA) and accessories. Hide from common eyes, Wasabi Studio shoots by appointment only. Even so, we can always find them at :
Facebook || Friendster || DeviantArt
I don’t wanna rush so i put their address below Anyway…as we always know, picture tells more than merely words…besides, i don’t need to add more words to their perfect image. Coz everyone can take an image and see, but few can see an image and make it into an art…
contact them @
Wasabi Photography Studio
fashion photography – potrait – art photo – prewedding – automotive – architecture – product
Jl. Ambon no. 5 Bandung
Telp. 081322273168 // 022 91193889
email: [email protected]
(by appointment only)
Apakah disini membuka lowongan magang untuk mahasiswa?
Salken Nanda 🙂
Makasih ya udah mampir. Mm.. lowongan apakaah? Kalo maksudnya di Wasabi Studio mungkin bisa ditanyakan langsung ke kontak di atas. HTH ya 🙂