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Ultradino Rainbow Cake

June is always a blissful month, cause Papadino was born in June :). Every year I try making something different to celebrate his birthday. This year, anipchan has grown so big he can actually help me crafting stuff. When I said I wanna bake something, he rushed to show me a picture of his favorite cake. The recently hype Rainbow Cake!

Okay, that shuddabe easy..just bake regular cake & add colors to it, right? Theory. In practice, it took a lot more to do. But yes, it isn’t as hard as it seems :). I choose white cake recipe & whipping cream instead of butter. I couldn’t find blue coloring so i change it to pink. I also lessen the amount of each color because I don’t wanna put too much chemical into my food :p. So here’s our version of rainbow cake…decor by anipchan, special for Papadino 🙂

Recipe in English


12 pcs egg yolks
10 pcs egg whites
450 g sugar
3 tsp cake emulsifier (I’m using SP, but TBM/Ovalette will also do )
450 g of wheat flour
225 g unsalted butter, melted
2 tsp vanilla essence
red food coloring, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, each 2 tablespoons

50 g strawberry jam (I am using blueberry jam instead :p)

Topping: (mix well)
300 g whipped cream powder, whipped with 600 ml of ice water
100 g cream cheese, whipped with 50 ml of sugar syrup


1. Prepare six (20×3 cm) round pan, cover it with margarine and line a baking sheet on its base. Set aside. Preheat oven at 180 degrees Celsius. (I re-use 3 pan with twice baking)
2. Whisk all the eggs and sugar until fluffy. Add cake emulsifier, beat the dough again until fluffy, thick, and white. Turn off the mixer.
3. Enter alternately flour and melted unsalted butter and stir well. Pour the vanilla essence and stir well.
4. Divide the dough into 6 sections, each weighing 250 grams. Add each dough with food coloring and stir.
5. Pour into the prepared baking pan. Bake in oven for 10 minutes or until cooked. Remove from the pan, and set aside to cool.
6. Once cool, take the purple cake, rub with the filling and topping. Cups with red cake and repeat until all the cake out.
7. Brush the entire surface of the cake with the remaining topping smoothly. Store in refrigerator until cold.

Recipe in Bahasa


12 bh kuning telur
10 bh putih telur
450 g gula pasir
3 sdt cake emulsifier (saya pake SP..tapi pake TBM/Ovalette juga boleh)
450 g tepung terigu
225 g mentega tawar, lelehkan
2 sdt esens vanili
pewarna makanan merah, oranye, kuning, hijau, biru, ungu, masing-masing 2 sdm

50 g selai strawberry/blueberry

Topping: (aduk rata) 
300 g whipped cream bubuk, kocok dengan 600 ml air es
100 g cream cheese , kocok dengan 50 ml sirop gula

1. Siapkan 6 buah loyang bulat ukuran 20×3 cm, olesi margarin dan alasi kertas roti, sisihkan. Panaskan oven bersuhu 180 derajat Celsius. (ini saya pake loyangnya cuma 3, jadi 2x bakar smile )
2. Kocok semua telur dan gula pasir sampai mengembang. Tambahkan cake emulsifier , kocok kembali sampai mengembang, kental, dan adonan berwarna putih. Matikan mixer.
3. Masukkan secara bergantian tepung terigu dan mentega tawar leleh, aduk rata. Tuang esens vanili, aduk rata.
4. Bagi adonan menjadi 6 bagian, masing-masing seberat 250 gram. Tambahkan tiap adonan dengan pewarna makanan, aduk rata.
5. Tuang ke dalam loyang yang sudah disiapkan. Panggang dalam oven selama 10 menit atau sampai matang. Angkat, keluarkan, dan diamkan hingga dingin.
6. Setelah dingin, ambil cake warna ungu, oles dengan filling dan topping. Tangkupkan dengan cake biru dan ulangi hingga semua cake habis.
7. Olesi seluruh permukaan cake dengan sisa topping , ratakan. Simpan dalam kulkas hingga membeku.

*resep dari majalah Nova

ultradino rainbow cake full

ultradino rainbow cake slice

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