Tag: short-monologue

Venus to Mars

I’m currently writing several books on my spare-time. Two compilation books about love, consist of short-rhymes and whatnot. One fiction book, another one semi-fiction, and some children story-books waiting to be illustrated. So many things to do! I am excited yet afraid I will not make it in time. Anyway, this one is a short writing I illustrated from my “Letters to Mars” compilation. A book of compiled letters to…

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Young Love

Sometimes we see things as birds see things. No matter how high and how far, we can always see the target, clear as day. The muse. There stood by the corner, surrounded by irrelevant so-called friends, the love of our life smile and make our world shines so bright. But as the sun, something so brightening is almost impossible to reach. So we fall into longing spree. Where our affection…

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Sunday writing & illustration: A Moment In A Space

Sunday writing & illustration: A Moment In A Space

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Tentang Profesi tanpa Pensiun Bernama Ibu

Kemarin saya dikerjain anipchan! Jadi ceritanya dia nyodorin selembar kertas kosong dan minta saya tanda tangan di bagian bawah. Alasannya ingin lihat tanda tangan mamanya. Eh begitu saya selesai tanda tangan, anipchan buru-buru melengkapi kertas tadi dengan segudang “persetujuan” dari mulai setuju mijitin setiap mau tidur, setuju nemenin main tebak-tebakan, dan sebagainya. Setelah sejibun “setuju” itu, ngga lupa dia tambahin kata-kata: “Silakan tanda tangan di (tanda panah) kalau anda setuju”…

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Selamat Pagi Bandung…

Wuih pagi ini kabutnya tebal sekali saat kau buka mata pasti bukan dunia yang kau lihat, tapi mimpi dan mimpi itu lagi meskipun benci tapi ingin sekali kau melihatnya kembali.. biar hanya bayang dalam kabut tebal dilangit gelap, biar hanya setetes embun jatuh membasahi, namun seolah tangismu ikut membanjir di bumi rindu tak tertahan, air mata jatuh tak terperi biar tak pernah kau lihat dengan jelas, bayangnya saja sudah membangkitkan…

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From Here to Then

I don’t care how silly I am For saying I hate being on the other side of the earth When the sun is shining on you I hate the nite shadow Cause they made me unseen I hate the moonlight Cause it reminds me of you I don’t care if they call me stupid For thinking about a man who were never been mine When all I see is the…

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