Tag: japan

letters from iwo jima

Yaiii…I just watched a WAR movie today! think it’s a big progress, eh? :p

Well actually I just caught up watching this movie while searching for a good quality or at least worth-watching program on tv. Need to look twice before I eventually watch it, tho’ hubs keep saying “It is a good movie!”. Sorry hubs, war is never in my book. Ah well, I watched it anyway. This movie gave me two reasons why I should be interested. First, it’s taken from the Japanese point of view & therefore, speaks Japanese. The other is because Clint Eastwood directed it. He’s a good actor & now a good director. Most of his movies are talking about human being, see through our humanity perspective. Which is nice.

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chernobyl, the severe days footage

I found this video while searching about nuclear radiation. As you all know, the Fukushima Nuclear Facility has exploded following earthquake disaster in Japan and countless people throughout the world currently worry that nuclear material kept in the facility will somehow leak and spread around places. Something quite similar was happened 20yrs ago in Chernobyl, Ukraina. Although many expert agreed what happened to Fukushima was not nearly as close to…

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be strong, japan…

First time I read the news via twitter, I thought it was just another quake, which is pretty common in Japan. But as I move forward to read its magnitude, my heart start beating fast. 8.9 will cause a massive damage, no matter how prepared Japan is. Then the next update + picture hit me harder. It was a 10m high tsunami wiped everything on its way. I cant believe…

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