Tag: event

Quipper, Guru Tambahan yang Menyenangkan

Saat Hanif masih duduk di Sekolah Dasar, saya setia menemani belajar dan menjawab berbagai pertanyaannya. Meski cara belajar anak dulu berbeda dengan anak sekarang, toh materi Sekolah Dasar masih bisa dinalar dan tak banyak berubah. Alhamdulillah Hanif anak yang cepat mengerti. Baru ketika ia menginjak Sekolah Menengah Pertama, saya mulai kelimpungan. Bobot materi lebih tinggi ditambah masa puber membuat saya sulit berperan sebagai gurunya lagi. Walau masih menemani belajar, beberapa…

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Little House of Rena for SWD Artist Alley

But that’s not all! In the year of 2013, SWD moved to base 2 through their own Artist Alley. A round-up of artists working on Star Wars based artworks and showcase. The Alley is open for approximately half-a-day on Saturday October 5th.

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Yard & Yarn’s First Yard Sale

Other than workshop, Yard&Yarn also organizing yard sale. Similar to the workshop, yard sale in our vision includes having Sunday fun, chat and of course, nice stuff :). I know we don’t shop a lot, but  lotsa our friends does. So we asked them to join us in our first sale. More about the yard sale can be read in Yard&Yarn’s home-site. The event was really fun! Especially coz we’re…

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Battle of The Toys 2012: Lightsaber Competition

I knoooow, shudda post this before the Braga Festival walk! But uh-oh…I can’t hold myself to post that cute Siths posing cherrybelle on the stair :”> Therefore, this is ze Battle of the Toys 2012 memorable event. Held on September 14-15 at Senayan City Jakarta, this event is a must for toys & games lover. Tho’ a bit small compare to Hellofest or Toys Fair, two of similar event might…

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braga festival

You know, I’m catching up with my old activities, trying to post them on time. But I had so many things to do, and reviews mostly need appropriate pictures to go with, so there there…been postponing things now. Ack…am so embarrassed >.< But you see, after the yard sale has done…And many other things been done as well, I finally have some time to run on my late posts. Although it…

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Project: Yard & Yarn

Hello again, sorry for not posting for long. Been brewing something in our yard!
This time, we’re having a collaboration with Nyanya of The Babybirds. As we share identical interest in crafting goods, our love for cozy chat and we both does have kids to care..we join in what we call Yard & Yarn, a collective project.

Our new baby can be visit at www.yardandyarn.com. And our #1 project will run this Sunday. Specially dedicated to The Mystery inc. and Addams Family, welcoming the glorius Halloween Night. Hello, October! So let’s join our Sunday DIY Bash, a trick or knit workshop for kids. This Sunday @ The Birdiehouse ☀
Since we both love to chat, you can kindly email us at [email protected] for further info & registration 🙂

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Helarfest: Lightchestra

Oke, sekian sekilas info tentang Helarfest. Sekarang lanjut ke Lightchestra, yuk! Jadi tanggal 6 Juli kemarin saya dan teman-teman dari Urban Jedi beringsut ke Hutan Babakan Siliwangi untuk mengisi acara Lightchestra di sana. Sampai di Hutan Babakan Siliwangi, pendar-pendar cahaya merah-kuning-biru-hijau sudah menyapa dari kejauhan. Ternyata Hutan Babakan Siliwangi yang dipenuhi rindang dedaunan itu dipasangi lampu-lampu LED di sepanjang jalur setapak dan dinding pohonnya. Enchanting! Kalo katanya Anipchan “Kaya lagi di Na’vi ya ndai” haha, werds!

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Star Wars Day Bandung

June 24, 2012…wind blowing hard especially around Balai Kota area. Where Storm Troopers and people seeking for the Force gather in an event called Star Wars Day Bandung (SWDBDG). Held in Gedung Indonesia Menggugat, another memento from Soekarno era. SWDBDG transform the old ambiance into somewhat outer-space under the Force’s atmosphere. Star Wars Day Bandung is an event dedicated for commemorating 35th years of Star Wars. This event is the…

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Keuken #2: Flavorsome Intimacy

Keuken (not sure how to spell it..hihi) is a brand for food. Seriously….Ung, actually Keuken is a brand for event held in attemp to reclaim the street (their tagline).  How? By having our wonderful picnic, gather with friends and yes..reclaim the street. This one is the second event. Too bad I missed the first that held in the very street of Braga. Must be fun. Anyway, the second event held…

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