Tag: another monster

monster metafiction 5 : another stories

Although Franz Bonaparta did produce many stories, not every story were published. As Bonaparta’s editor Tomas Zobak stated, Bonaparta’s work has always been so dark and full of misery. Horrible misery. Yet his book made significant sales within Europe, that’s why Moravia continue publishing his works.  Zobak also said there is one story claimed to make two people falling in love, but will not work to make someone falling in

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urasawa naoki’s monster

Now I’ve just finished reading “Another Monster”: Chapter 19 & “The Awakening Monster” which Urasawa recommend to read only after we finished read the whole “Another Monster” chapters. I really wish there would be someone who will offer me a translation of “Another Monster” Chapter: 20-final. Been curious to death! At least after reading all “Monster” series & half of the supplements, I still think it is a magnificent story. Even all side story is oddly beautiful. A story that wont get too old to read. Complex but entertaining in certain ways. I wouldn’t dare compare it to “Silence of The Lambs” but they actually bear the same aftertaste. Dark and bitter all the same. A little shake & fear was dragging me when I read “Another Monster” in solitaire silence. Maybe what Urasawa Naoki’s recite that the most powerful weapon is words is indeed true afterall…

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