Hello there 🙂
First of all..I build this category as a personal reminder of what i did during the site-building period. I’m not an expert and i get easily lost in all that code jungle, so this log is a must for me. But by the time i finished making this blog and the library room, i simply forget all little details! hah ^^;
I know, i shud’ve take note on everything i’ve done exactly when i did it…because writing it now will be harder and probably inaccurate. Nonetheless, i’ll try writing all down when i had time in the future :). Hopefully it will be useful for everyone who has similar problem. By the way, I am using Sight & Imbalance theme from Wpshower in both of my wordpress installment. I thought Sight is perfect for magazine & i’ve been eyeing this theme ever since i am thinking of registering my own domain. So this theme is an easy pick for Little House of Rena blog. The second theme however, was picked from several other choices including Portfolium (Wpshower), Widely (The Themes Kingdom), and Swatch (Woo Themes). Imbalance won because it is simple, easy to set plus i like its collapse feature. Maybe i’ll switch to catchier theme in the future but i’ll stick to Imbalance now 🙂
Now I realize you’re much more of a theming/coding geek than me! Haha!
ahahaha, and a lot messier too :p