I am currently re-doing my kitchen knick-knacks. Putting on some backdrops to my kitchen shelves…layering cabinet-top with synthetic cover..and of course, new spice jar & canisters! Who can resist fancy canister, right. To me its def a mood-booster 🙂
So me & Papadino traveling various home-decor depot, trying to find the perfect canister. It has to be child-friendly (meaning no ceramics whatsoever :p), simple, not too big, and of course affordable. After several places we found it hard to find what we’re looking for. Then one day, when accompanying Anipchan to mini-market next door, I spotted a small tube of potato chips & somehow attracted to it. Its in perfect size, perfectly child-friendly, and above all…def affordable! Without thinking any further, I grab 4 tubes of that potato chips and working my brain on customizing it.
Long drawing-erasing-drawing-printing later, this is what I came up with. An easy DIY you can do and re-do at anytime. I just simply draw labels, print it in sticker paper then directly paste it along the tube’s surface. Complete guide below 🙂
1. Buy potato chips (I recommend Ja**ers) & grab a basket-full of DVDs to accompany your munch time 😉
2. Now when you done with your tubes and tubes of chips, wipe them clean. Especially the inside. I wash them using my usual dishwaser soap then clean them right away using paper-towel. Let dry
3. Now prepare your tubes + stickers, scissor, and another accessory you want to put in your canister. When you’re done, take 1 sticker and paste it to the tube carefully.
4. That’s it! Basically you’re done. But I know the crafter inside of us just ain’t satisfied with that! So I cut few round shape from tissue paper, then glue it to my canister’s lid.
5. After that, I simply tie natural color string and make a sweet bow in the middle. Done…and done~
7. Aside my canister, I try to be a fair mom and make stickers for soy sauce and oil too. This is how I decorate them. Very simple indeed 🙂
8. I am very happy with the result! Can’t believe it took me just few cash to made. Not to mention giving me alibi to munch tubes of potato chips :p
Now I’ve made my labels available for download! These are 6 images in JPEG you can print straightly to sticker paper at home, then paste on your canisters at ease. Each label sized 25cm x 11cm, fit for small potato chip’s tube (specifically, Ja**ers). Enjoy your Sunday cooking 🙂.
*This project is part of MaY surprise project. If you’re interested in more giveaway, log on to Facebook and like Little House of Rena page before this May end 🙂
akhirya ke kampung batu sama temen@ disekolah
bzok qta mw ke kampung batu… ada yg mw titip? hehehe
RT @hello_rena: [#CraftingRoom] DIY Kitchen Fancies – http://t.co/M2foB3EJwg http://t.co/SuyxEuoTOd
@ngiuphobia lutuuuuu! ehem2 posting di @yardnyarn ^^
@hello_rena @ngiuphobia lutuuuuu! ehem2 posting di @yardnyarn ^^
@almaviva @yardnyarn udah doooong, tinggal klik “Publish” *ehm ;P