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Come What MaY, Rena’s Little Project

What does May stands for? Def not the famous May-be yes or May-be no :p

The month May was actually named after Maia, Greek Goddess of fertility. Or as Ovid say, comes from Latin term Maiores, means “elders,” followed by June which means “young.” But to me, May is short for Me and You. A small surprise project for friends which absorb the spirit of May. The project will start from mid of May & ends following the end of May. It’s a small project really 🙂

Details about the project will land on Little House of Rena’s Facebook Page, where the main event will take place. As for now, whole Rena’s factory is busy making prep for the project. Because while it is a small project, it is a small project for friends. It has to be special, meaningful, and memorable.

Little House of Rena has been a self-fulfilling project this whole time. Yet you give me your kind support through this wonderful journey. I have in my mind a blue-print of how the Little House would be. But none of it will happen without your support, and your support has gotten me through low moments up to this day. Me and You, is a project that was made for us. A moment to share what you like about the house as well as an opportunity for me to give back to your warm smile at Rena’s Little House. In short, Me and You is like a coffee corner where we do small-talk and have a sip of delightful treat.

Therefore, next time you were asked about May…don’t answer it with “maybe.” Show them Me and You treat and mark one wonderful time 🙂


le sneak peek (^o^)

Update: Take a read here for slight review about MaY-P event