Last Saturday I went to my first beauty class ever, “Bandung Beauty & Briliant” by Caring Colours. At first I was just “uh-kay” when my sister told me ’bout the event. But since I wear the said brand I just went anyway. The event held at Lucky Square Convention Hall Bandung, Saturday 29th of January this year. Attended by almost 3200 Bandung’s beauties, it eventually opened by a performance from Acapela at 09.30AM although the announcement said it will start at approximately 8.00AM. When we first enter the venue, we were requested to exchange our tickets into a nice goodie-bag filled with make-up palette (randomly choose); a t-shirt which we had to put on during the event; a pack of cleansing products; cotton & tissue; and a lunchbox later. I think its def worth reckon its only cost you IDR 55,000 for the goodies (the palette alone has already cost IDR 79.500!) So yeah, I was happy ^0^
After Acapela’s performance, the event start with speech from Mrs. Netty Heryawan, the governor’s wife. While after, make-up artist from Martha Tilaar starts the main event. She carefully explain how to clean our eyes with moisturizer & our face with cleansing milk+toner before applying make-up. Easy. Then another job is to put on a make-up base that suits your skin-tone. Go on with another product, Caring Colours randomly spread 6 series of Make-up Guides (a palette contains of 2 lip-colors; 1 two-way cake with translucent color; 1 shimmery blush (too thin for my skin); 2 eye-colors; and 4 kind of brushes to go with the make-up). Out of the 6 choices, I happened to get the one called “How to Stay Awake from 9 to 5” reflecting warm-colors dominated with orange. Fit my face verywell, although I would really like “How to Get Your Boss Notice You” Guide which has cold-ambiance & looks vivid when applied. Back to the class, she explain what to put on first to last, start from eyeshadow followed by two-way cake+blush and lip-color at the end. She also explained how to apply them correctly which sadly I can’t re-explain to you since..well…I forgot already :p. But yeah, make-up is all the same. You had to wipe some colors in certain direction and when you got skillful enuff, you just apply it whatever & still looks great anyway 🙂
The beauty class disappointingly last very short. Just when you finished applying lip-color, it ends like that. Not many tips/knowledge you can grab from it. Mainly just basic. Then again for IDR 55,000, I think thats already a blast. After the class, we were surprised by Igo Idol performance, then another performance from Tommy Siawira (motivator) while having our Oishii Bento lunch. Just after lunch we had “SHE” band bringing out 3 of their best singles. And that’s a wrap! Nice experience, most worth IDR 55,000 I spent :p Will have another beauty class when I get the chance 🙂
Owh, and during the event there are Caring Colours booth selling all CC products with discount. So If in case anyone’s looking for the right color for themselves, these booths are great choice. And for you who missed the event but are in love with the palettes, you can buy it in every CC booth near to you for IDR 79,500. Great choice for a quick touch-up on-the-go. I heard CC will organize more event like this in the future. Stay tune, gals ^.*
Images belong to Caring Colours Facebook Page
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