Tag: Foodie

Berburu Kuliner Halal di Singapura

Kalau dari kunjungan beberapa waktu lalu saya bercerita tentang 10 Tempat Seru di Singapura, kali ini saya ingin membahas tempat-tempat makan halal di negeri berlambang singa tersebut. Soalnya mengingat Singapura bukan negara mayoritas muslim, agak susah mencari makanan berlabel halal di sana. Beruntung, saat ini sudah banyak panduan mencari tempat wisata yang menyediakan makanan halal dan fasilitas ibadah, baik mesjid maupun musala. Tempat pertama kita berlokasi di wilayah favorit Orchad…

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Tips Makan Bareng Bebas Ribet

Kalau ditanya apa sih yang bikin betah di Bandung? Jawaban pertama saya atmosfernya. Habis itu, jelas kulinernya! Gimana ngga, segala macam pemuas lapar dahaga ada di sini. Dari yang tradisional sampai yang inovatif, kaki lima sampai kaki bukit. Saking lengkapnya, teman-teman semasa kuliah dulu selalu nyempetin “pulang kampung” sekedar nyobain cafe atau menu baru. Sayang Bandung sekarang tambah macet. Jangankan keliling nyobain kuliner ini-itu, berkunjung ke satu tempat aja benar-benar…

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Mampir ke Farmhouse Susu Lembang

Farmhouse semacam tempat singgah wajib kalau ke Lembang. Selain lokasinya tidak terlalu jauh, arsitektur bangunannya sungguh menggoda hasrat selfie. Bukan hanya aneka bangunan bergaya Eropa atau pagar gembok a la Korea, tapi ada sebuah bangunan di area kanan yang keberadaannya menyedot swafoto paling banyak sampai antri segala! Bangunan ini juga yang membuat saya mengiyakan ajakan ibu untuk mampir ke Farmhouse di tengah-tengah libur UTS lalu. Replika Bagend-nya Bilbo Baggins di Lords of…

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Martabak Kekinian di Jkt66

Sejak Dhecil, sang pecinta makan asal Jakarta ngeracunin saya dengan foto-foto martabak Nutella di Path, saya jadi penasaran setengah mati pengen ngemil satuu aja martabak itu. Tapi err…kapan ya ke Jakarta-nya 🙁

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Sushi-sushi Bundar untuk SCM Economy Day

Jumat minggu lalu (5/4/13) kelas Rinjani, kelasnya anipchan, kebagian berpartisipasi di Economy Day SCM. Pada event ini, anak-anak di ajak berwiraswasta dengan menjual makanan hasil kreasi sendiri ke sesama siswa. Berhubung anipchan ngga mau bikin parcel, saya tawarin anipchan bikin makanan untuk dijual nanti. Tahun lalu, anipchan bikin minuman jelly pake yogurt yang populer itu. Nah..tahun ini, seperti sudah saya duga…dengan suara 5 oktaf anipchan langsung bertitah: SUSHI! Waduh! otak

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Keukeun #3 Athlete’s Feast

Remember my post about Keuken #2 last February? As planned before, Keuken #3 coming right up exactly 6 months after. At the sport holy-field of Lodaya Bandung, Sunday 30th September ’12. Still vision to Reclaim The Sreet, Keuken #3 looks more into the athlete’s part of our nature. Afterall, who doesn’t like sport? Especially in a place where food & beverage is just a step away from your sweaty feet…

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Ultradino Rainbow Cake

June is always a blissful month, cause Papadino was born in June :). Every year I try making something different to celebrate his birthday. This year, anipchan has grown so big he can actually help me crafting stuff. When I said I wanna bake something, he rushed to show me a picture of his favorite cake. The recently hype Rainbow Cake! Okay, that shuddabe easy..just bake regular cake & add…

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hummingbird, the bird that doesn’t hum (he’s too busy eating :p)

Last sunday is the best rainy sunday ! Why? Because that is one sunday where i spend most of my day being around friends and family. From spending the day at mom’s house, we went through the evening having dinner with mockingfam @ hummingbird cafe. One of homy cafe in town. To be honest, i’ve never been to hummingbird so this is gonna be a countable visit. Taking first step

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green cake & coffee

All the small cakes cost me IDR 16000 while brownies & such tagged around IDR 45000; pancake is about IDR 26900; waffles go a little low with IDR 24 sumtin’ and the opera is about IDR 250000, all plus 10% tax. Oh and there are also many other choice from the salty piece such as croissants and breads, starting from IDR 7900. Beverages is rather easy, a brewed cappuccino or cookies creme cost about IDR 14900 (+ 10% tax) while regular fruit tea is around IDR 10900 (+tax). A sip of any other frappes will cost you around IDR 15900-19900 (+tax). Very reasonable price for an afternoon delight, I think.

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superior cheese martabak from z-shet

I heart martabak, sweet or salty. they’re perfect for afternoon tea or even light meal in the morning 🙂
but as for sweet martabak, me & hubby had this special spot in Antapani where we usually get our cheesy fluffy one. This is, however, the closest yet tasteful sweet martabak corner around our residence. Actually we haven’t met cheese martabak as delicious and boldly made as this one around the city. So, let’s just call it the most cheesy martabak in Bandung haha

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